Welcome to our website, the online home of our Australian Research Council (ARC) funded project, Popular Music and Cultural Memory: localised popular music histories and their significance for national music industries. Visit our site regularly for updates on our research's progress, as well as links to our project's outcomes as they appear. Find out more about our project and its aims here.


What do you remember about popular music?

How has it been part of your personal history?

What does it mean to our nation?

Perhaps you have been a die-hard fan, or just a casual listener. You might be 21 or 91. Whatever your investment in popular music, or your age or stage, we’d like to hear from you. Write to us and share your memories as part of a research project about popular music and cultural memory.

To contribute your memories to our project, please write to:

Music Memories
c/o Griffith Centre for Cultural Research
170 Kessels Road
Nathan Campus
Griffith University QLD, Australia 4111

or email us at:
Please note that contributions posted on this website, sent to us in writing or via email may be used as source material for publication in academic journal articles, book chapters and presentations emerging from our research; all contributions will be anonymised, and your identity will be protected. Members of the project team may be in touch with you to arrange a face-to-face interview to give you a chance to expand on your written contributions.