Welcome to our website, the online home of our Australian Research Council (ARC) funded project, Popular Music and Cultural Memory: localised popular music histories and their significance for national music industries. Visit our site regularly for updates on our research's progress, as well as links to our project's outcomes as they appear. Find out more about our project and its aims here.

Project team

About the project team

Chief Investigators: 
Andy Bennett is Professor of Cultural Sociology and Director of the Griffith Centre for Cultural Research (GCCR) at Griffith University in Queensland, Australia. He has authored and edited numerous books including Popular Music and Youth Culture, Cultures of Popular Music, Remembering Woodstock, After Subculture and Music Scenes. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Sociology (journal of The Australian Sociological Association), a Faculty Associate of the Center for Cultural Sociology, Yale University, an Associate of PopuLUs, the Centre for the Study of the World’s Popular Musics, Leeds University, and a member of the Advisory Board for the Social Aesthetics Research Unit, Monash University.

Shane Homan is an Associate Professor in media and communications studies at Monash University. He has authored three books, two commissioned reports and many journal articles on the contemporary music industries. A particular focus of his work has been the governance of Australian music audiences and industries. Shane has also written about the histories of local rock and roll and moral panics in relation to Australian popular music.

Sarah Baker is a Senior Lecturer in cultural sociology at Griffith University's Gold Coast campus. Following the completion of her PhD in 2003, Sarah was awarded an Australian Research Council post-doctoral research fellowship based at the University of South Australia (2003-5). She has since held research fellow positions at The Open University and University of Leeds, UK. Sarah has published widely in the area of popular music studies and is co-author with David Hesmondhalgh of Creative Labour: Media Work in Three Cultural Industries (Routledge, 2010).

Peter Doyle is an author of fiction and non-fiction books. He has a Bachelor of Arts (Communications) from UTS and a PhD from Macquarie University. Peter's PhD concerned renderings of virtual space in early popular music recording, and histories of twentieth century popular music remain among his research interests. He is a musician with an extensive history in the Sydney blues, rockabilly, country and pub rock scenes and is an exhibiting visual artist.  He also worked as a part time curator at the Justice & Police Museum in Sydney, for whom he curated the 'Crimes of Passion' exhibition (2002-2003) and 'City of Shadows: inner city crime and mayhem, 1912-1948' (November 2005-February 2007) which examined inner-Sydney in the first half of the twentieth century via police crime and accident scene photographs. Recent work researching early Sydney police mug shot photography has informed his book, Crooks Like Us (2009).

Research Fellow:
Alison Huber completed her PhD in cultural studies at the University of Melbourne where she has been a lecturer and researcher.  Her research has been published in a range of international journals, and focuses on the notion of the ‘mainstream’, commodification, popular music studies, television, and memory.  She worked as a project officer for the prestigious ARC Cultural Research Network (2005-9) to develop a program of professional development activities for Postgraduates and Early Career Researchers.  Alison is now ARC Research Fellow for this project, and is based at the GCCR at Griffith University, Australia.

Research Associate:
Ian Rogers is a Lecturer in Popular Music at the University of Queensland, and a Research Associate on this project for the GCCR.  His 2012 PhD thesis was titled Musicians and Aspiration: Exploring the Rock Dream in Independent Music and his primary areas of research remain within the scholarly consideration of music making, musician communities, the music media and industry. An established music writer, Rogers is currently publishing regular pieces for Australian music publications such as Mess & Noise (independent) and The Vine (Fairfax Digital).  

International Partner Investigators:
Sara Cohen, University of Liverpool, UK
Timothy Dowd, Emory University, USA
Susanne Janssen, Erasmus University, The Netherlands
Motti Regev, The Open University of Israel