Welcome to our website, the online home of our Australian Research Council (ARC) funded project, Popular Music and Cultural Memory: localised popular music histories and their significance for national music industries. Visit our site regularly for updates on our research's progress, as well as links to our project's outcomes as they appear. Find out more about our project and its aims here.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Writing Workshop, May 2012

Now that data collection for the project is almost at an end, it's time for the team to shift focus to writing up the research. With this task in mind, the project team met for a two-day writing retreat in May. The aim of the meet-up was to circulate writing samples amongst the team, and obtain feedback on work in progress. We also had an opportunity to workshop a range of ideas for future publications, many of which will be collaborations between team members.

Here's a brief snapshot of the sorts of things that we're working on at the moment. Details of final publications will be posted on the website in the coming months.